Despre mine
I'm Elena
Mă numesc Elena È™i sunt o persoană extrovertită, optimistă, cu o carieră dublă - coaching È™i IT. Le iubesc pe amândouă È™i le îmbin armonios. Sunt pasionată de oameni È™i am o înclinaÈ›ie naturală spre a-i ajuta să îÈ™i atingă adevăratul potenÈ›ial.
În calitate de life coach, sunt aici pentru a-È›i aminti că eÈ™ti capabil de lucruri grozave È™i pentru a te face conÈ™tient de ceva ce adesea tindem să uităm că avem - puterea de a alege!
Sunt gata să ne îndreptăm spre obiectivele tale! Tu esti? :)
In other words, I help people who want to re-write their belief system with growth-oriented principles that serve them on the long run - making them feel less overwhelmed and more balanced and happy.
As your coach, I am here to remind you that you are capable of great things and make you aware of something we tend to forget we poses: the power of choice.
I am ready to get you moving towards your goals! Are you?
here are my first insights to you...
Servicii de coaching
1. chemistry call
We start with a FREE 90 minutes call to explore the compatibility between you, as the client, and me, as the coach. This session helps set the right expectations and allows both of us to understand the intended outcome and desires of the coaching process. I will detail how my coaching approach works and how it can benefit you in your self-development journey.
This a no obligation session from both sides.
2. "put-yourself-first"
coaching program
We explore what's holding you back from where you want to be. Once you understand and release those blockers, you are ready and free to create long-lasting changes that will help you (re)gain a consistent state of happiness and balance.
You will gain awareness of your belief system, values, purpose and many other aspects of who you truly are.